Professional Development Courses for Dance Teachers

Our courses range in length and focus so you can choose the right option for your professional learning needs.

Courses and workshops are designed to align the dance development in schools, studios, and the industry. Most offerings relate specifically to the Dance Syllabus for NSW Schools, with outcomes and application outlined in the information pages below.

More workshops are in development; sign up to our mailing list or follow us @movementmomentum_ for updates.

Countertechnique Workshop

Partnering Foundations

Improvisation Toolkit

Push & Pull Method


  • “The PD yesterday was fantastic. Very clear and informative. The packet is detailed and the videos you will share goes above and beyond! Thank you for being so willing to share to the dance community. I feel this will be really beneficial for dance teachers!”

  • “The course was great! It gave me all the tools I need to implement the packet”

  • “Dance is constantly evolving and we need to keep up... I am always on the look out for opportunities to develop movement sequences that can be used in class and choreography. Thank you for sharing your research and method Evie, it is a precious gift.”

  • “I loved the course!! I would love for there to be more resources like this out there!”

  • “I want to keep up with what is new in the industry and to keep learning new things to become a better teacher for my students. I am just grateful this is being offered to teachers! It is so helpful and much needed.”